Old Glory Molly Dancers & Musicians


Oct 31 2021


8:00 pm

Many of you will associate Sunday 31st October with Halloween however at The Buck we look forward to celebrating Samhain (the changing of the seasons) with the Old Glory Molly Dancers and Musicians at 8pm.
Samhain is a pagan religious festival to welcome in the harvest and usher in ‘the dark half of the year’
The Old Glory tradition reflects a history of out-of-work ploughboys dancing for money with menaces. A disguise was essential as they begged for money so that the Lord of the Manor didn’t recognise his employees hence the darkening of their faces with soot and ash, also not smiling so not to be recognised by their teeth. These days they collect money for local charities and this year paint their faces grey. Come along and enjoy the theatre of the evening and listen to their stories unfold.
Old Glory visit various pubs and fairs returning to perform again at The Buck close to the end of their season on Plough Monday (10th Jan ’22), following the Sunday blessing of the Plough at the church, it is historically the day which marked the end of the Christmas period for the agricultural communities in the eastern counties of England.
After this, their straw bear which lives on our bar will be taken to the Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival a modern revival of the ancient fenland custom of making a straw bear for Plough Monday which includes a procession led by a Straw Bear with his keepers and a Plough team pulling the plough, followed by numerous dance groups including morris and molly, clog and sword dancers, who perform throughout the weekend.
Please bring warm clothes as the initial performance will be on our car park and the following entertainment will be under cover in our garden. This is always a spectacular evening of entertainment not to be missed!

The event is finished.


Rumburgh Buck Opening Hours April 2021

Outside Table Service Only

During April our food served will be limited to our Takeaway Menu.

Monday 12th April
*Bar 12pm – 9pm approx.
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm – 8pm
*Limited beers & ciders
—Real Ales only
Wines & Spirits available as usual

Tuesday 13th April
Bar 12pm – 9pm approx.
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Wednesday 14th April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Thursday 15th April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Friday 16th April
Bar 12pm – 10pm approx
Food 12 -2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Saturday 17th April
Bar 12pm – 10pm approx.
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm 8pm

Sunday 18th April
Bar 12pm – 8pm
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Monday 19th April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Tuesday 20th April
Bar 12pm – 9pm approx.
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Wednesday 21st April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Thursday 22nd April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Friday 23rd April
Bar 12pm – 10pm approx
Food 12 -2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Saturday 24th April
Bar 12pm – 10pm approx.
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm 8pm

Sunday 25th April
Bar 12pm – 8pm
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Monday 26th April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Tuesday 27th April
Bar 12pm – 9pm approx.
Food 12pm – 2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Wednesday 28th April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Thursday 29th April
Bar 5pm – 9pm approx.
Food 5pm – 8pm

Friday 30th April
Bar 12pm – 10pm approx
Food 12 -2pm & 5pm – 8pm

Saturday 1st May
Bar 12pm – 10pm approx.
Food 12pm – 2pm Lunch Menu 5pm 8pm Main Menu

Sunday 2nd May
Bar 12pm – 8pm
Food 12pm – 2pm Roast Lunches
5pm – 8pm Main Menu

Opening Times

New Opening Times from Sat 4th July 2020

Monday, Thursday, Friday:

Food (inc. takeaways):  5pm – 8pm

Bar:  5pm – 9pm


Food (inc. takeaways):  12pm – 2pm

Bar:  12pm – 2:30pm


Snack Menu:   12pm – 2pm

Food (inc. takeaways):  5pm – 8pm

Bar:  12pm -2:30pm & 5pm – 10pm


Roast Menu & Snacks:  12pm – 3pm

Food Snacks & Takeaways:  5pm – 8pm

Bar:  12pm – 9pm 

(Closed all day Wednesday for intensive cleaning)

These hours will be revised on an ongoing basis